Most importantly, it works to ensure that credible evidence and a joint analysis of needs underpin an effective and prioritised humanitarian response. Available in English and French. ), in-country Intercluster Coordination Groups and decision-makers involved in joint needs analysis. It also highlights information gaps and country plans to address these gaps. It guides subsequent in-depth sectoral assessments and provides decision-makers with timely, adequate, sufficiently accurate and reliable information to collectively identify strategic humanitarian priorities. HRP Guidance on Response Analysis, Formulation of Strategic and Specific Objectives, and Targeting. The humanitarian needs overview helps inform strategic response planning. … It represents an overview of available secondary data and early primary data. 4 UNHCR NEEDS ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 1 The Grand Bargain: A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need, Istanbul (Turkey), 23 May 2016. (Available in English & French and Adobe InDesign version). Planned and carried out in partnership by humanitarian actors; results shared with the broader humanitarian community to identify the needs of affected populations. This document provides an overview of what information to present and how to do so in the development of the Humanitarian Needs Overview. Date: 2 nd August 2019. In 2011, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee adopted the Transformative Agenda, which focused on accountability, stronger leadership and improved coordination. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a, 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview - Annotated Template. 2 With regard to needs assessments (Commitment 5), the Grand Bargain also stipulates that the signatories must Available in English, the 2021 HNO annotated template is available here. Create an inventory of needs assessments by … The HPC Step-by-Step re-asserts the sequence of the needs analysis and planning, with needs analysis directly informing the decision-making with regards to response, whether for the preparation of new plans or adjustments to existing ones. Available in English, the 2021 HNO annotated template is available. Guide – Humanitarian Needs Assessment (2014) and the MIRA revision July 2015. Identifying priority needs of affected populations is the first step towards ensuring an effective and speedy humanitarian response. ), in-country Intercluster Coordination Groups and decision-makers involved in joint needs analysis. It feeds into the next stage of the programme cycle, strategic planning. Excel. I - Purpose and principles Questionnaires are specialised and structured tools of human interaction. Available in English, French, Russian and Spanish. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Outputs from coordinated assessments support humanitarian decision-making. OCHA has developed a standardised, Excel-based humanitarian needs comparison tool based on field practice. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a. Annotated HNO template v13. The MIRA Guidance is available in English, Russian and Spanish for. Guidance on the tool is available for download here, as well as technical instructions on its use. You can download the Situational Analysis Template here. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to clearly assess humanitarian needs or the impact of humanitarian responses. The MIRA Guidance outlines an approach to undertaking a joint multi-sector assessment in the earliest days of a crisis or change in the context. Available in English, the 2021 HNO annotated template is available here. They are meant to make communication more effective and predictable. Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) template: The HNO document compiles results from various sectoral and multi-sectoral assessments to identify priority humanitarian needs to be addressed. The Situational Analysis is the first output of the MIRA process and should be produced within 72 hours of an emergency. Programme areas of Former Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei States. The … Terms of Reference. Humanitarian Needs Assessment. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. The humanitarian needs overview helps inform strategic response planning. Several MIRA forms and templates are available: A Summary is available in English and Spanish. Most importantly, it works to ensure that credible evidence and a joint analysis of needs underpin an effective and prioritised humanitarian response. A good example of this output in practice in the Central African Republic is also available for download. This output is designed to support the Humanitarian Country Team in developing a shared understanding of the impact and evolution of a crisis. Establish an interagency forum for coordinating needs assessments. The humanitarian needs overview helps inform strategic response planning. Example from the field: NCT template; 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview - Guidance and Templates (updated August 2020) Below you will find a collection of key guidance and templates supporting the production of Needs Assessment related outputs. This tool can take the place of the analysis plan or be used as a consolidating template for multiple analysis plans being used in one operation. The Operational Guidance promotes a shared vision of how to plan and carry out coordinated assessments. At both the analysis and planning stages, it emphasizes commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit and the Grand Bargain; The JIAF Guidance supports and guides the work of experts (information managers, analysts, etc. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. ACAPS has published Humanitarian Needs Assessment – The Good Enough Guide, to help humanitarian staff design and implement needs assessments in emergencies. The Situational Analysis informs the flash appeal and the second, more in-depth phase of the MIRA, the primary data collection. It outlines an analytical framework for inter-sectoral analysis – the Joint Inter-sectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) – assisting with the identification of inter-linkages between various drivers, underlying and contributing factors, sectors and humanitarian conditions, HNO Addendum Risk and Forward Looking Analysis. Most importantly, it works to ensure that credible evidence and a joint analysis of needs underpin an effective and prioritised humanitarian response. The 2020 HNO template is available here. Provides a structured approach to the Needs assessment for refugee emergencies checklist (NARE) through a pre-established analytical framework. HNO template v13, including PDF and InDesign versions, fonts and other materials (revised 19-SEP-19) NB: Available in Arabic, English and French At both the analysis and planning stages, it emphasizes commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit and the Grand Bargain; The JIAF Guidance supports and guides the work of experts (information managers, analysts, etc. It should be read alongside the: OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises.


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