Eg: theta_F_applied_d = angle between applied force and displacement, u = velocity before collision (used in collisions app). Practice Questions and Problems for Tests. Alpha Solver uses the following convention: For ΔVariables, such as dv, dKE, an increase is positive, a decrease is negative. Eg, velocity is the same as v. Yes! Solve Physics Problems Online Free with BYJU's Physics Calculator. Example problems include: What is the area of a circle with circumference = 10 meters? dx = distance/displacement in the x direction, dy = distance/displacement in the y direction, F_net = net force (after taking into account of friction), Fws = weight acting in the direction of the slope/incline, Fwn = weight acting in the direction normal to the slope/incline, M = mass of planet (used in F = G*m*M/r^2), P_in = power input/supplied (used to calculate efficiency), P_out = power output/delivered (used to calculate efficiency). 1. Waves (5 problems) 6. Eg: v=5ft/min, t=1hr, d=?ft. If you don’t have enough time or don’t have any interest in your assignments, we’re ready to assist. Q.1: Smaller the least count of the instrument more is the measurement——–? Any question that looks like it … eg: v is velocity, V is voltage or volume. This is a free database of solved physics problems. Q.5: Which equation is not dimensionally correct ? Thermodynamics (7 problems) 5. theta_var1_var2 = theta/angle between var1 and var2. Q.7: Three students measured the length of a needle with meter rod and recorded as : (i) 0.2145m (ii) 0.21m (iii) 0.214m Which one is a correct record ? BYJU’s online Physics Calculator is a simple and unique tool which can be used to solve and calculate physics terms. These questions … Isaac Physics a project designed to offer support and activities in physics problem solving to teachers and students from GCSE level through to university. The well-known American author, Bill Bryson, once said: “Physics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity, but so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness.” Physics is indeed the most fundamental of the sciences that tries to describe the whole … Luckily for you, we have an entire team of experts who are ready to solve your physics problem. Q.10: Total uncertainty, in the result obtained from the subtraction of two measurements, is equal to——–? Objective Type Questions With Solve MCQs Quiz Tests For PPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, FPSC And Others. Enter the question here: Click to submit the request. 1. We do not know why the velocity is constant; we do not know why the acceleration has a given value. Physics Calculator is available here for free use. Conservation Laws (21 problems) 4. All non-SI units must be appended at the end of the value. Here you can find a collection of . But if you get it wrong, then the answer will be wrong. Questions: 27 059. For example, we know that the velocity is 30 mph during 5 hours and 50 mph during 1 hour and we need to know the traveled distance. Kinematics (111 problems) 2. Q.4: Dimensional analysis is helpful for———? Because there're some non-obvious ones: the SI for volume is m^3, not L. SI temperature is K, not C. SI molecular mass is kg/mol, not g/mol. If something is not in the hints/search assist, then it's not available as a variable/unit! Alpha Solver takes scientific notation for very large and very small values. Students often face hard-to-solve and mind-numbing physics problems, that cause a lot of distress into the studying process. Should I input v = 7 m/s, or v = -7 m/s? The hints/search assist will also provide common names for many variables. Eg: theta_vi = 30 means the initial velocity is 30 degrees north of east. HTML 5 apps designed for desktop, iPad and other tablets, are also included to explore interactively physics concepts. Thermodynamics (7 problems) Physics Online Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. These apps "get" you closer to the physics concept you wish to understand. Math / Physics Problem Solver This program solves simple math and physics problems stated in English. Don't you have time to study a book for dummies, learn how to use a calculator for numerical expressions, and looking for the right formula? Copyright @ 2011 - - All Rights Reserved. Q.8: Absolute uncertainty in a measurement depends upon——-? Eg: v=5m/s, t=3s, d=?m is the same as v=5, t=3, d=? Dynamics (61 problems) 3. Kinematics (111 problems) 2. Take advantage of all of our attractive benefits: 24/7 support Whenever you need physics help online, we’re ready to answer your call. Before you get started, check the Ask a Physicist archive and the Physics Buzz blog—we might have answered your question before. It's very intuitive. October 16, 2020 – by admin. Yes! Here You Will Learn Online Solved MCQs With Answers. Q.4: An ideal standard of measurement of a base quantity has characteristics——–? Stuck on a tricky physics problem?


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