The un-touched glossy varnish is broken up by the duller patches leveled by the wet sanding. Note: The first coat needs the most sanding to appear smooth; don't worry if it doesn't look as flawless as you'd like at first. I generally start at 80 grit and end with 100 or 120 grit. That’s not to say you should apply each coat thickly. Look closely, at eye level, across the surface of the dried polyurethane for any bumps or dust specks. It is imperative that polyurethane be allowed to cure thoroughly before wet sanding to get the best results. After the third coat, sand with 320-grit, then 400-, and finally 600-grit sandpaper. Buffing the Finished Surface Spritz over the finished surface with tap water. Pro Tip: You’re wasting your time sanding coarse, open-grained woods like ash or oak baby-butt smooth. The first thing to understand is the need to begin with a thick polyurethane finish film to ensure that you don’t buff right through to bare wood. After applying the first two coats of polyurethane, it is important to remove any blemishes in the dried polyurethane by both wet sanding and using a razor blade. Mark Augustin says: September 23, 2013 at 6:21 pm. It looks terribly uneven, but the highs to lows (glossy to dull) are only a few ten thousandths apart. Sanding through all the grits to 220 grit won’t improve the finish one bit. Step 1 Inspect the polyurethane finish after it is dry to the touch. Four regular coats of urethane applied one over the other is a good starting point. Polyurethane Finish Tip#1: Start With a Thick Coating. After you’ve applied … ... 7 Responses to Rubbing Out a Polyurethane Varnish Finish. To give the subsequent poly layers something to bond to, sand lightly between coats with 320-grit sandpaper wrapped around a hard block.


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