Contrary to proclamations that spinach is untransplantable, I find that young seedlings with two true leaves are as easy to transplant as any veggie as long as you do everything you can to prevent stress to your little spinach plants. We start the seeds in smaller containers because we can control moisture and temperature much better that way, and if ... Read More about 5 Signs It’s Time To Repot Your Seedlings Step 2 – Do THIS to Transplant your Spinach into your Garden! If needed, presprout 4oz/bed spinach for 1 week before sowing. To avoid this next time, never transplant the seedlings, and always either plant the seeds in very early spring, or in the fall for a winter crop. Transplanting seedlings a few weeks after starting should be part of your seed starting routine. Spinach seedlings bolting – There are two things that trigger spinach seedlings to bolt right away. [Strawberries: plant new bought plants, if applicable.] For that reason, you should sow the seeds directly into the ground. They were either transplanted, or the temperature is too hot. Dig your holes in an area that will receive partial shade. It’s important to be able to recognize when it’s time to transplant seedlings from the seed tray to a larger pot. Put each seed about a half-inch to an inch into the soil. Space holes 12-18 inches apart. FAQS About Growing Spinach Seeds You can start your seeds indoors, but it isn’t recommended because it’s difficult to transplant spinach seedlings well. Till and sow areas for clover cover crops (eg grapes, eggplant beds), or oats, from 2/15. Late Feb, sow carrots # 2 (flameweed); Really finish transplanting spinach. About 1 month before you plan on transplanting your spinach into a garden dig holes about 8 inches deep and filling it with compost.


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